
Hub2B - Like Themes WordPress Theme Documentation 1.0

Before continue, please check online documentation, it can be updated.

1. Theme Support and Licence

Thank you for purchasing Hub2B WordPress Theme. If you need support you can contact us by email ( You must provide purchase code, we'll answer you in 1-2 business days (if you wait for answer too long, please check spam folder). According to item support policy it doesn't include theme customization, third party plugins integration and hosting problems.

With ThemeForest Regular License you allowed:

You are not allowed:

For more information about license please read

2. Theme installation

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. Make sure you have clean WordPress setup.
This installation guide will help you to install the WordPress. If you area new in WordPress we recommend you to read WordPress Codex, FAQ and Lessons.


You need web hosting with at least PHP5.6, MySQL 5 or higher and WordPress 4.6 installed. Please check WordPress official minimal requirements
If you have troubles with theme installation or one click demo install, make sure your server configuration limits are:

You can check them using plugin PHP Info. To change these values:

  1. Edit your .htaccess file (at root of your FTP) and adding these lines:
php_value upload_max_filesize 32M
php_value post_max_size 32M
php_value memory_limit 128M
php_value max_execution_time 600

    2. Try to use plugin PHP Settings
    3. If it still not helps - contact your hosting provider, they must help you with server configuration.


Please watch full video tutorial. It was recorded for our Autema theme, but can be used for any theme of our development.

The theme files can be uploaded in two ways: Through FTP or through WordPress dashboard.
  1. FTP
    Upload the non-zipped theme folder into the /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server. You must upload folder /hub2b/ from archive
  2. WordPress
    Navigate to "Appearance" > "Add New Themes" -> "Upload Theme" -> "Choose file" (choose > Install

Activate it after install.

If you have error "Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error" - make sure you uploading inner WordPress .zip file with theme, not the whole archive downloaded from ThemeForest. More information on

Basic configuration

  1. Install all required plugins (Especialy Unyson, LT Extension and Visual Composer) by clicking on Begin installing plugins
  2. Activate them after that
  3. Update permalinks for custom pages in Settings -> Permalink -> Save

Notice: if you want to use a child-theme, you can also upload the file in addition with the main Hub2B Theme. Child Theme allows you to add/modify CSS Stylesheet and functions without modifying main theme files. And you'll not lose your modifications after main theme update.

Demo Content Install

We recommend you to install demo content. Go to the Tools -> Demo Content Install. Be aware - installing of demo content will delete all your current content.
Click Install, wait till it'll be downloaded. Your WordPress Hub2B theme now must be identical to live preview. If you have troubles with installation, please check minimal PHP hosting requirements from Theme installation section.

If Tools -> Demo Content Install not Available - make sure Unyson Plugin is installed and activated. Also Backup & Demo Content Extension must be active:

If demo installation interrupts with warning "Curl SSL" , contact your hosting support and ask them to check, that Curl SSL support is enabled on your site.

If backup or import interrupts with "Abort" link and you have this notice in dashboard “Unyson: Your website is hosted using the LiteSpeed web server. Please consult this article if you have problems backing up.” please read this article

Menu assignment

If after installation you have problems with menu and it displayed without drop down levels like on screenshot:

Make sure that Main Menu is assigned in Appearance -> Menu -> Menu Settings -> Display Location:

3. Theme Configuration

Upload your Logo and fill all fields in Appearance  -> Theme Settings

Logo Upload

Pageloader - styled for particular theme page loader can be deactivated
WooCommerce Product Hover Zoom - activated mouse over zoom in single product page
Google API Key - you must enter your Google API Key if you need Google Maps services.


Default Heading Icon and Headings Icon white - sets image visible under two-line headings in theme
Menu pattern - animated (by default) icon for hover and active menu elements. You can find in media archive several colors. It will be also used for Go Top link at the footer
Inner Header and 404 Page Background - upload background images for certain pages.
Excerpt Blog and WooCommerce - automatically cuts text on these pages.


Blog and Gallery layout - default layout for /blog/ and /gallery/ pages.
Excerpt Blog and WooCommerce - automatically cuts text on these pages.

Footer block

Hide Go Top - disables footer go top link
Footer Block Background - set animated background for Block Before the Footer
Copyrights - change copyright text
Hide Footer - allows you to control footer widget columns, also you can control mobile view of these columns

Footer can have 1-4 columns (or can be fully disabled). In this demo we using 1-column layout.


Next, in Appearance  -> Customize you can set Site Title, add Favicon

Color Customization

Appearance  -> Customize -> Hub2B Settings allows you to change all main colors of the theme
(section can be named is theme you are using, for example Hub2B Settings)

CSS Customization

For minor changes you can use Appearance -> Customization -> Additional CSS. Basic information about of CSS:

Also you'll need in-browser tool for CSS Tweaks (watch firebug video tutorial):

WordPress settings

You can find more information in WordPress documentation, but we'll describe main options:
  1. Settings -> General. You can set here your email, timezone, date format
  2. Settings -> Reading. Frontpage must be set to "Homepage", but you can use any page of site as welcome page. Also you can change number of posts per page. 6, 8 or 10 will be optimal
  3. Settings -> Discussion. You can enable/disabled premoderation of comments here.

4. Menu and Widgets


Use Appearance  -> Menu to set you header menu and footer menu.
If you downloaded demo content, we set optimal pages, you can change order and level. Add new pages or remove them here. You can use different menus for header block (with multilevel menus).


Widgets are blocks visible in blogs, shop pages and footer of site. You can configure blog sidebar position in pages control (or disable it at all).
You can change them in Appearance -> Widgets.
You can use any of standard WordPress widgets. Also you can install and any new widget in Plugins menu, but we can't guarantee full
support for them.

5. Posts

Blogs posts

It's standard WordPress posts module. You can write articles here, create categories, set tags.

If you want to create additional Blog Page, create empty page, them set Template -> Blog

Also set Blog Layout you want (at footer of Pages)


Among standard gallery, you can use our posts type. Main Photo with header and description will be shown in list and other photos with full-page zoom inside of gallery.

As blogs, you can change layout and create additional pages:


You can post clients feedback here, it will be available on /testimonials/ page. Also you can post preview of feedbacks on any page with shortcode.


Allows to edit common used on all pages blocks.

6. Pages

Among posts, pages are main module where you'll create your site content. You can use Visual Composer for visually change blocks and
using shortcodes. You'll find information about all Hub2B shortcodes in next section, here we'll describe main editor functions.

To enable Visual Composer select Backend or Frontend editor. In most cases you need only Backend.


You can add new elements be clicking on plus button.

You can read all about Visual Composer Shortcuts in official documentation.

Layout Configuraton

For every page you can configure:

7. Shortcodes

Here we describe our shortcodes:

Events Calendar shortcode

Tariff shortcode

Gallery shortcode


You can create Warning Block:

Block with Icons

Create different information block with icons:

Set all params and create Icons list. You can choose from Font Awesome library or upload you own icon.


Insert block with last Blog Posts from archive

You can inset certain Blog Posts by ID's, or latest posts from Category. Also you can set needed text size.


Buttons are important elements of every site. You can use buttons as links to inner or external pages:

Among default Button text, URL, sizes and button aliment you can select default color state, hover color state, different text color.
Position allows you to set several button in one row.

Contact Form 7 Customized

More detailed information about using Contact Form 7 you can find in section Forms. This shortcode allows you to create customizable
form with different button color or background:


CountUp Block is simple, but effective way to show some important information to you client.

Add several blocks, insert you information and that's all - animated block is ready.

Empty Space Responsive

Empty space is main tool to control your sections. You can create block of certain height, that will be transformed in mobile and tablet.

Google Map Styled

Create Styled Google Map



Advanced Tool to create unique headers styled for Hub2B Theme: 

Default header uses icon image at the top.

Header with inline highlight:

Use Google Fonts to set unique header:

Video Popup

Allows you to add image with video link:


Show latest product from WooCommerce plugin with filter and slider:

Social Icons

Use FontAwesome Icons Library to Add Social Icons block to you site:

Swiper Slider

Create slides in Sliders section:

Then insert slider to site using this Shortcode


Insert Testimonials slider to show latest posts from Testimonials Post Type:

8. Forms

To add forms on your pages, first create them in required plugin. Then go to Contact -> Contact Forms

To insert form into page use CF7 Shortcode or CF7 Customized for more options.

9. Additional Plugins

Events Calendar

Plugin used to control your events


E-commerce plugin with huge amount of add-ons

Breadcrumb NavXT

Used for showing breadcrumbs in header of site

Post Views Counter

Show number of views in gallery and blog posts. If you disable it icon will be hidden.

WP Instagram Widget

You can add this widget to sidebar to show last photos of selected instagram


Plugin for emails subscribe lists

10. Backup

You can backup your site in Tools -> Archives menu. Also you can enable Backup Schedule for automatic backup.

We strongly recommend you to do manual backups regularly, especially when you making updates or major changes on your pages.

11. Site Translation

If you make the site not in English, then after setting up, filling with content, adding new sliders, you will need to translate some lines that are embedded in the theme. For example: the inscription "search" in the navigation bar, the inscriptions on the buttons, some headings, etc. 

To translate such strings we recommend using the Loco Translate plugin.

Install and activate the Loco Tranlate plugin

You can download the plugin directly on the page. Here is the link:

And then add it through the menu: Plugins > Add new > Upload Plugin.

Or in this same menu, use the search bar and enter Loco Translate:

Click the Install button. We are waiting for the installation to finish and activate the plugin.

Basic configuration of the plugin.

The plugin does not require basic configuration. It automatically determines the language used in the theme and the language used by default on the site.

String Translation.

IMPORTANT! When translating our themes, it is important to know that the lines that are displayed on the site are taken directly from the theme files, LT-Ext plugin and WooCommerce plugin (for those who have the functionality of an online store).
The translation of the theme and the plug-ins are absolutely identical, therefore we will consider the translation only on the example of the theme. In the menu Loco Translate > Themes click on the topic we need. As a result, we will see this window:

all our themes were designed exclusively as English-language, so by default, only this language will be displayed in this window. But, for example, the WooCommerce plugin has many author translations. Therefore, it will automatically pull up all the translations for the languages installed on your system. You just need to choose the right and make changes.
Now we need to add the language we need to translate. Clicking on "New Language" will open the following dialog box:

First point: In the drop-down list of language choices, select the one we need.
Second point: choose the location of the file with the translation. You can choose any option.
After clicking on the "Start Translation" button, you will see the following menu:

To search for the string you need, use the Filtering Translations input field. As you enter characters in the field, the lines will be automatically filtered. Select the desired line and make a translation here:

After making changes, the Save button is activated. The lines that you have not yet translated will be displayed in bold, the translated and saved lines will be displayed in normal font and the translated and not saved lines will be marked with an asterisk. The example in the picture above.
After completing the work, click the Save button.

Important! If you have updated a theme or plugin, it is possible that during this time some lines have been changed or added, in order to update the list of lines, press the Sync button.

Change strings in English-language sites.

Very often there is a need to change the lines even on English-language sites. In such cases, Loco Translate will also help. About installation, configuration and use, see paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.
Attention! You can directly edit the first language pattern. But we do not recommend doing this, because in the future, when updating a topic, the file with strings can be overwritten. In order not to lose your translation, copy the language template and make the translation directly in it.
To create a copy of the template, hover the mouse in the English language, and click on the “Copy” link. You will be redirected to this menu:

First point: In the drop-down list of language choices, select English Language.
Second point: choose the location of the file with the translation. You can choose any option.
The third point: put a dot in front of "just copy the English lines".